DOAJ is an index of peer-reviewed open access journals from around the world, with article abstracts and links to the full text.
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is based at Lund University, Sweden.
DOAJ is a searchable index of peer-reviewed, open access journals from all around the world, with abstracts of articles, links to the full text and information for authors. It covers all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities; around 800 law journals are included.
DOAJ lists the ISSN, publisher, type of open access licence/policy, language, and subject of journals. It also provides details of any publication fees, as well as information about the rights of authors, average time from submission to publication and type of permanent article identifier used; archiving policies are also covered. Links are given to the websites of the journals.
There are options to search either journals or articles. Results can be filtered by subject, year and other criteria.
Search tips are available via the question mark ('?') button on the search page.
Users can browse a list of all journals. A separate list of journals without article processing charges (APCs) is also available.
The journals can be sorted A-Z, by date added to DOAJ, and so on; they can be filtered by subject, language, type of peer review, country of publication, language, type of licence and/or publisher.
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