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Foreign, comparative and international law collections: Non-Commonwealth Africa

An overview of print holdings and online resources

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The law of African jurisdictions which are not members of the Commonwealth is not collected in depth by IALS. Within the University of London, SOAS Library has primary responsibility for these countries.

Regional materials

IALS has a number of books covering Africa as a whole or one of its regions (see Catalogue). A few regional law reports and journals are also held, including the following titles:

  • Journal of African Law  (print and e-journal)

  • Penant: Revue de droit des pays d'Afrique (held in print format only)

  • African Human Rights Law Journal (print and e-journal)

  • African Human Rights Law Reports  (print and open access online).

Individual jurisdictions: primary material

Very little primary material is held for non-Commonwealth African jurisdictions, but we do have a few titles, notably:

  • Sudan Law Journal and Reports, 1956 to 1992
  • Code civil de l'Empire d'Ethiopie de 1960

Individual jurisdictions: secondary material

IALS has a small number of books relating to individual jurisdictions in non-Commonwealth Africa (see Catalogue).

A few journals are held, none current.They include:

  • Journal of Ethiopian law, 1964 to 1986
  • Revue tunisienne de droit, 1963 to 1987
  • Revue sénégalaise de droit, 1967 to 1976
  • Sudan Law Journal and Reports, 1956 to 1992


Several of the databases on the IALS Law Databases page cover the law of all jurisdictions, for example World Constitutions Illustrated and IBFD Online. For further details, see Databases guide, under 'Multi-jurisdictional Sources'.