Guide last updated by Katherine Read, July 2022
This guide was created by Katherine Read, Principal Library Assistant at the IALS Library.
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Trinidad and Tobago (a former British Colony) did not become a self governing republic until 1976. Prior to that year, the following dates mark significant stages in its history:
The IALS Library classmark for printed sources for Trinidad and Tobago is GN9 (and FOL GN9 for oversize volumes). This guide will also refer you to resources for the Caribbean and the West Indies (GR1) which include Trinidad and Tobago.
The 1962 Constitution, which was drafted by Sir Ellis Clarke, is referred to as the Independence Constitution and the Government regards it as the first written Constitution. It was however preceded by earlier versions between 1945 and 1962 (GlobaLex guide). It was reformed in 1976 and became the Republican Constitution. The latest official revision was published in December 2009. The Ministry of Legal Affairs also provides online access to a version from December 2015 but it is not an official version. Further links to historic Acts which amended the 1976 Constitution are available in the GlobaLex guide.
An additional useful source is Hein: World Constitutions Illustrated. This provides full text of the documents and related articles. It currently has the 2009 revision with some subsequent amendments from 2013. Offsite access is available to University of London academic users.
New legislation in Trinidad & Tobago is passed in accordance with the Constitution. Parliament consists of the Lower House (House of Representatives) and the Upper House (Senate). New representatives are elected to the Lower House while Senate members are appointed by the President. A new Bill may be introduced in either House but must pass through both before being approved by the President. (GlobaLex Guide).
IALS holds the following printed collections of legislation for Trinidad and Tobago:
Laws of Trinidad and Tobago (2006 ed. updated to 31.12.2004) is available at GN9.E.1 A supplementary consolidated index of Acts and Subsidiary legislation provides reference to laws and amendments up to December 31st 2015 at RES GN9.E.1. Further older revised editions and consolidated indices published between the 1880's and 1980 are held in the closed basement (RES GN9.E1 or FOL RES GN9.E.1). Click here for further information.
Annual volumes
Annual volumes cover the period 1889-1992 and are all held in the closed basement (RES GN9.E.2 or FOL GN9.E.2).
Online Sources
A Digital Legislative Library includes the 2006 consolidation 'Revised Laws of Trinidad and Tobago' updated to December 31st 2016 and current/previous versions of the Constitution. The publications section of the Official Government website provides full text access to current legislation and bills.
IALS Library holds the following printed collections:
Judgments delivered in the Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago 1893-1950 (incomplete. Vols. 8-9 were never published)
Judgments delivered in the Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago 1950-1979 (vols. 11-20
Trinidad and Tobago Law Reports (Caribbean Law Publishing 1999-). IALS holds vols. 1-3 1993-1995)
Free Online Sources
Judgments of the Privy Council are available in full from 1996 onwards on BAILII. Selected cases from earlier years are also included.
Court of Appeal Cases are available in full from 1996 to 2016 on CommonLii
High Court Cases are available from 1997 to 2016 on CommonLii
IALS holds a Digest of the cases contained in vols. 1-4 of the Judgments of the Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago. 1926. This is kept in the closed basement.
IALS holds a collection from the printed Commonwealth Caribbean Law Series. These are located at the more general GR1 classmark for the Caribbean. A selection of the more recent texts with content for Trinidad and Tobago includes
Anderson, W. Law of the Sea in the Caribbean Brill 2022
Antoine, R. Commonwealth Caribbean law and legal systems 2nd ed. Routledge 2008
Berry, D. Caribbean integration law OUP 2014 (e-book)
Haynes, J. Commonwealth Caribbean sports law Routledge 2019
Haynes, J. Caribbean anti-trafficking law and practice Hart 2019
Kodilinye, G and Kodilinye, M. Commonwealth Caribbean contract law Routledge 2014
Kodilinye, G. Commonwealth Caribbean property law Routledge 2022
Kodilinye, G. Commonwealth Caribbean tort law Routledge 2022
Kodilinye, G and Kodilinye, V. Commonwealth Caribbean Civil Procedure 4th ed. Routledge 2017
Ramlogan, R. Judicial review in the Commonwealth Caribbean Routledge/Cavendish 2007
Robinson, T., A. Bulkan and A. Saunders Fundamentals of Caribbean constitutional law 2nd ed. Sweet & Maxwell 2021
Seetahal, D. Commonwealth Caribbean criminal practice and procedure 5th ed. Routledge 2019
Ventose, E. Commonwealth Caribbean administrative law Routledge 2013
C.Deane, K. Osborne and V. Moyer 'Trinidad and Tobago law and legal research' (GlobaLex 2020 update). This guide provides a comprehensive guide to the legal system and both printed and internet sources of information.
IALS holds the following printed journals but the only current subscription is to West Indian law journal.
Caribbean law bulletin (1998-2002)
Caribbean law review (1991-2009)
West Indian law journal (1977-current)
Eagle-i An Internet Portal for Law, provides quality web sites which have been evaluated according to a set of agreed criteria. It was developed by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies as a valuable successor to the legal branch of now defunct web portal Intute. The addition of new sites is a continuous process.
Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago Provides an overview of the Court system in Trinidad and Tobago with information sources for Legal Professionals and Citizens.