Have you thought of searching for articles which discuss a particular piece of legislation or a court decision? Perhaps there is a precedent decision central to your essay or you would like to read articles about a particular section of an Act or an EU Directive.
Don't restrict yourself to subscription databases to find articles. Perhaps you are familiar with Eagle-i, a resource managed by IALS Library and available. This allows you to search for quality websites on your subject area and includes links to free journal titles on the web. It allows you to filter your search by resource type so you can ask for full text articles on a subject area.
IALS holds an extensive collection of journals which are not yet available online. This applies particularly to journals from individual European countries and African/Asian jurisdictions. Please come and ask at the issue desk if you need assistance in finding articles in these journals.
The journal indexes available on Law Databases can save you a lot of time and effort, for instance when you are doing a literature review.