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Tour of IALS Library: 3rd floor

Collage of photos of the 3rd floor reading room

3rd Floor reading room collections

Welcome to the 3rd floor reading room! Feel free to browse the collections on this floor, but remember that the 3rd, 4th and L2 floors are all silent zones - so no talking or whispering please.

On this floor you will find books with the classmarks SA-SJ. The collections on this floor cover:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Comparative law
  • Other legal systems
  • International law
  • Private international law
  • Islamic law
  • Common law subjects

To find out exactly what we have in our collections, check our library catalogue.

For the next stop on the tour head to the library lift in the middle of the floor.

Tap the 'next' arrow to find out more about the 3rd floor reading room.

Photo of the 3rd floor toilets

Toilets and shelving trolley

Opposite the library lift are the 3rd floor toilets. Additional toilets can be found on the 2nd and 4th floors.

Also opposite the lift there should be a book trolley. Once you have finished using library books, you can leave them on this trolley for staff to re-shelve.

Have a walk around the reading room. You will see that there are lots of desks around the room.

Tap the 'next' arrow to read more about using the study desks in the Library.

Photo of the 3rd floor study desks

Study desks

In the reading rooms you will see lots of study desks. When you visit the library you can use any available desk.

Most desks are equipped with lamps, power sockets and USB ports.

The tour continues on the 4th floor so take the stairs, or use the library lift. We'll pick up the tour again on the 4th floor.

Click here to go to the 4th floor tour page to continue.