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Foreign, comparative and international law collections: Middle East

An overview of print holdings and online resources

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IALS has limited holdings for Middle Eastern jurisdictions. Within the University of London, SOAS Library has responsibility for collecting the law of the Middle East.

Regional materials

IALS Library holds some books relating to the Middle East as a whole, most of which have classmarks starting GT2.C or GT2.D. For further details, see the Catalogue

IALS also has Arab Law Quarterly (print and e-journal) and Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law (not on the Catalogue, but available on Lexis®Library's International Content Platform, under 'United States').

Individual jurisdictions: primary material

Some translated legislation is held, including the following:

  • Middle East Business Law Series, a set of looseleaf titles covering Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Oman and Iraq (IALS' copies no longer updated)

  • Laws of the State of Israel (to 1990)

  • Business Laws of Yemen (1995)

Law reports
A few series are available:

  • Israel Law Reports / Selected Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel (1948 onwards)
  • United Arab Emirates Court of Cassation judgements (1989 to 2003)

Individual jurisdictions: secondary material

IALS has a small number of books on the law of individual Middle Eastern jurisdictions: see Catalogue.

A few journals are held for single jurisdictions in the region, notably Israel Law Review (print and e-journal).

IALS holds bibliographies relating to the law of Israel and one or two other Middle Eastern jurisdictions: see Catalogue.


Israel: the Israel Law Review is on HeinOnline, Lexis and Cambridge Core (date ranges vary); HeinOnline also has several other Israeli law journals: see Law Journal Library - Browse by Country.

A number of the databases on the Law Databases page cover all jurisdictions, for example World Constitutions Illustrated. For further details see Databases guide, under 'Multi-jurisdictional Sources'.