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IALS Library is one of the world's leading comparative law research libraries. This guide covers our foreign, comparative and international law holdings only, but IALS also has excellent collections covering all parts of the United Kingdom and the Crown dependencies, a large jurisprudence collection and more. For an overview of the entire collection, and the library's Collection and Retention Policy, click here
What do we have?
The Library Catalogue lists our holdings, from sixteenth century printed treatises to twenty-first century e-books and e-journals. To see what we have for a particular jurisdiction, look up its classmark here, then search the Catalogue by classmark. For an overview of our holdings for a particular area of the world, for comparative law, or for international law, use the tabs above.
Finding your way
For maps of the reading rooms and an overview of classmarks, see Classmarks and the Location of Resources in the Library. There are also lists of our collections and their locations on the walls by the library stairs and lift.
Online resources
IALS Library subscribes to a large suite of databases and thousands of e-journals and e-books. For databases, see our Law Databases page; for individual e-journals and e-books, see the Library Catalogue.