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Training at IALS Library: PhD students

An introduction to research skills training offered by the IALS Library

Training at IALS Library

Training for PhD students

PhD students and other postgraduate researchers are welcome to attend any of the training mentioned in this guide. We welcome PhD students and researchers from any university in the UK and overseas, not just those attached to the University of London. In addition to the training listed elsewhere in this guide, we offer training specifically for PhD students.

How to get a PhD in Law

The popular How to get a PhD in Law training programme is returning in 2024!

IALS offers a popular programme of national training days called How to Get a PhD in Law. These training days are aimed MPhil and PhD students in law registered at universities across the UK. The programme provides opportunities for informative discussion and legal research guidance.

The three days in the How to get a PhD in Law programme are:

Attendees are welcome to book for one, two, or all three days in the programme.

PhD Day at IALS


IALS Library Roadshows

Each year the library staff visit law schools across the UK to speak with postgraduate research students and academic staff about the resources and services avaialable at IALS Library. We call this the IALS Library Roadshow! At each roadshow we highlight the national role of the IALS Library, outline the world class collections of the library and demonstrate the legal databases that researchers can access remotely without ever needing to set foot in London.

Since March 2020 we have been offering "virtual roadshows" but we're still happy to visit your law school in person.

Roadshows are organised by Katie Radford, Access Librarian. If you would like to find out more about organising a roadshow for your law school, please contact Katie at


Academics from University of Plymouth at road show

Hester Swift presenting at Newcastle University road show

Legal Research Methods Course

Each year IALS offers the popular Introduction to Legal Research Methods course. This course is aimed at MPhil and PhD students in law registered at universities across the UK. The course provides the chance to explore a range of research methodologies that may be relevant postgraduate researchers in law and legally related fields.

This course usually takes place over two weeks in January. Dates and the fee for attending will be advertised on the Events page of the main IALS website.